Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Artists

Jenna Weiss, Sarah Lubin and I met while going through the post-baccalaureate program in studio art at Brandeis University. Since then we have all moved on to different graduate programs, Jenna Weiss is a 2nd year MFA student at Tyler School of Art in Philadelphia and Sarah Lubin is also a 2nd year MFA student at Mass Art in Boston now. I am in my 1st year of the MFA program in painting at the University of New Hampshire. Although our interest in subject matter may seem very different, our mutual experience at Brandeis has given us all an appreciation for dynamic composition and unique color combinations in the paintings we create. We all use a specific pictorial language through a negotiation between collecting and organizing visual information in Jenna's painting, or trying to depict loneliness and waiting using close value relationships or strong complementary color combinations in Sarah and my paintings. These were all things stressed in our studies at Brandeis, and have stayed with us as we move on to different schools.
-Youngsheen Jhe

Youngsheen Jhe

Jenna Weiss

Sarah Lubin

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